How To Add music in Inshot Video editor? | Android | 2021

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Inshot is a popular video editor for android and iOS. It's used by millions of people to add fun to their videos with music and effects.

As we know, most of the times music is important for making video. So, today's tutorial features how to add and edit music in video with Inshot.

1. Add Music

Click on the music icon.

Music icon in Inshot

Select 'add tracks' icon.

Add tracks option.

To import music from your device, go to 'my music' section.

List of audios in device.

You may also extract audio from another video.

An option to extract audio from another video.

Please make sure that you have the license to use that audio in your video.

2. Sync with Video

To sync the music with video, press on the music clip and drag it to the desired position.

Newly inserted music clip.

3. Adjust Video Volume

To highlight the sound of inserted music clip, you might need to reduce video clip's volume.

Click on the video timeline.

Video timeline

Pull back the white button.

A button to adjust video clip's volume.

4. Edit Music

Click on the music clip.

Imported music clip in Inshot.

Select edit icon.

Edit icon in Inshot music section.

Adjust the violet rounds to trim music.

An option to trim inserted music clip.

Move the white button to adjust volume.

A white button to adjust volume of imported music.

In the bottom section, there are two buttons to add fade-in and fade-out to music.

Fade-in and fade-out feature in Inshot.

5. Duplicate or delete music clip

Click on the music clip.

Music clip in Inshot

Choose duplicate icon.

Duplicate icon to duplicate inserted music.

To delete music clip, select delete icon.

Delete icon to delete imported music clip.

Over to you

I hope this tutorial helps you. Follow us on Pinterest and YouTube.

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