How To Add Custom Fonts To Inshot Video editor | Android | 2021

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Inshot is a popular video editor for Android and iOS. We can overlay texts on video using Inshot and customize it by choosing different fonts. Inshot's font library has a collection of english, chinese, russian, japanese, korean and arabic fonts.

But what will you do if your favourite font isn't there.

No problem. Inshot has an option to import custom fonts. So you can use your favourite font from any language in video.

Follow these steps to add custom fonts in Inshot.

Step 1 : Download Fonts

First, we have to download font. If you aren't concerned about a specific font, you may browse free fonts on web. There are several websites providing free fonts. Make sure you have the license to use them.

Step 2 : Unzip file

We have to import font to Inshot as .ttf file format. But if the downloaded file isn't .ttf, we have to unzip it and save as .ttf. You may use an online zip extractor for that.

Step 3 : Open Inshot along with your Video

After downloading the font as .ttf, go to Inshot video editor.

Step 4 : Add text

Click on the text icon.

Text icon.

Add text.

Adding texts in video.

Step 5 : Go to Fonts section

Right after you have added text in video, go to fonts section.

An option to go to fonts section.

Step 6 : Select Import icon

A button to import fonts.

Step 7 : Choose font

Click on the folder in which the font file contains and select font.

List of folders to open font file.

The text you added in video will be styled in selected font.

You may also check,


  1. How to remove custom fonts which I have added on InShot?

    1. Hi, If you want to remove custom fonts from the 'fonts list', just clear data of the Inshot app.

      NB : Your other settings in Inshot will be reverted to the default state.

  2. Is there any option to delete a perticuler costom font from inshot without removing the whole data

    1. Sorry! I have tried to find a way to delete custom fonts from Inshot without clearing whole data, but couldn't find one.

      I will reply if I get a method!!

  3. how to import all fonts to inshot, examples 1000 font

    1. Currently, you can't import fonts as bulk.

      But still can import all fonts by following the method mentioned in the above article. Just remember to mark all fonts while importing.

  4. This didn't work for me. I saved the fonts as .ttf on my lap top, in a google drive folder. When I open it from inshot on my phone, it shows that it's there but I can't select it. I press on it and nothing happens.
    Is there another file I should try saving it to?

  5. Last comment was mine. I figured it out. I just did everything all over again that you said in the article but on my phone, rather than saving to google drive and it worked!

  6. I want to add a font, the font is not displayed!!!!!

  7. Asslam o Alaikum My Device Is Not Extract Font Inshort Please Help Me


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